Members of the Board

The members of the Board were appointed by the Minister of Health and Social Services in February 2009 for a term of three years. Representation on the Board is from Government Ministries, including the Ministry of Mines and Energy; Health and Social Service; Labour and Social Welfare; Environment and Tourism; Foreign Affairs; and Office of the President and a private individual who is well versed with radiation and nuclear related matters.

From left: Mr. B. Nangombe (ED - Ministry of Health), Mr. C. Namalambo (MIRCO), Ms. P. Nghidengwa (MLIREC), Mr. T. Mufeti (MEFT), Hon. K. Shangula, Dr. S. Herman (Chairperson) and Ms. N. Cupido (MHSS)

Chairperson Statement

Application of nuclear science and technology ........


Functions of the Board

The Atomic Energy Board was established in February 2009 in accordance with the provisions of the Atomic Energy and Radiation Protection Act, Act No 5 of 2005. The terms of office of members of the Board is three years. The Board is an advisory body meeting at least four times in a year and reporting to the Minster of Health and Social Services.