Title: Junior Mayor School: Etosha Secondary School Grade: 12 DOB: 16 May 2000 Interest/ Hobbies: Karate, Singing and Reading
Objectives: To study medicine and become a surgeon.
‘’I am a Head prefect at my school and leadership has always been a part of my life. Serving on the Junior Council is an awesome platform to be the voice of the youth in Tsumeb and tackling matters around our community. I’m a visionary of a new generation, one that encourages all my peers to study smart and escape the shackles of procrastination which in the end hinders us from our true destines.’’
John Ndara
Title: Deputy Secretary School: Tsumeb Secondary School Grade:11 DOB: 10 May 1999 Interest/ Hobbies: Debating, Reading , being on Social Media
Objectives: To become a Doctor
‘’ I love working with people and helping others’’
Saara Lukas
Title: Junior Secretary School: Tsumeb Secondary School Grade: 11 DOB: 6 December 2001 Interest/ Hobbies: Reading, Socializing, school and teen empowerment.
Objectives: To study medicine.
‘’ I am passionate about things related to science and medicine. My school work is my number one priority. I try my level best in all I do. I would like to motivate and be exemplary to my fellow teens.’’
Christian Shikuambi Title: Junior Accountant School: Etosha Secondary School Grade: 12 DOB: 02 July 1999 Interest/ Hobbies: Reading, Playing PlayStation and watching tv
Objectives:To become an Auditor / Financial Advisor. To be a role model and strive for perfection. Be kind. Dream and act in life.
‘’ I love to learn new things. I am very outgoing, funny and kind. I talk too much once I get to know people. I want to teach people how to create wealth for themselves.’’
Johannes Haunawa
Title: Junior Deputy Chief Executive Officer School: Otjikoto Senior Secondary School Grade: 11 DOB: 14 January 2001 Interest/ Hobbies: Playing soccer, reading newspapers and watching tv.
Objectives: To study Diesel Mechanics and Electrical Engineering.
The struggle will be long and difficult, but my people will wage the struggle.”
Frieda Limbili
Title: Junior Deputy Mayor School: Otjikoto Senior Secondary School Grade: 12 DOB: 18 January 2001 Interest/ Hobbies: Reading novels, yoga and dancing salsa or ballet. Travelling
Objectives: Study medicine/ Arts and Fashion
‘’ I am hard working, committed, ambitious, disciplined and determined to strive for anything. Always show utmost respect to all. I am duly honored to serve my reign on the Junior Council’
Demi Louw
Title: Junior Public Relations Officer School: Tsumeb Gimnasium Grade: 11 DOB: 16 January 2001 Interest/ Hobbies: Reading, Athletics, Love animals and nature
Objectives: To study Management and own my own Lodge
‘’ I make an effort to be nice, to be helpful and to build friendships/ relationships. I like working with people and talking about nature. I’m very excited to be a part of the Junior Council, I think we will be a strong group.’’
Nadine Maree
Title: Junior Chief Executive Officer School: Tsumeb Gimnasium Grade: 11 Interest/ Hobbies: Singing, baking watching movies and doing homework.
Objectives: To study Accounting or to become a beautician
‘’ I am against racism and enjoy interacting with other cultures. Even though I am a silent person I am joyful and like being there for people in times of need.’’